Tuesday, May 17, 2011
Tuesday, March 8, 2011
ICC Meeting
Abhiram Singh Yadav bersama Dr. Aziz Syamsuddin (Wakil Ketua Komisi III DPR RI) menghadiri pertemuan parlemen dunia tentang International Criminal Court yang berlangsung di Gedung Parlemen Malaysia di Kuala Lumpur. Dr. Aziz Syamsuddin tampil sebagai pembicara pada event akbar tersebut.
Abhiram Singh Yadav along with Dr. Aziz Syamsuddin (Vice Chairman of Commission III majoring Law and Human Rights of the Indonesian Parliament) attend a world parliamentarian meeting on the International Criminal Court/ICC which took place in the Malaysian Parliament building in Kuala Lumpur. Dr. Aziz Syamsuddin was there as one of the main panelist.
Sunday, January 30, 2011
Ketua Umum DPP KNPI Dr. Aziz Syamsuddin, Sekjen Sayed Muhamaad Muliady serta Vice Chairman CAYC (yang juga Wakil Sekjen DPP KNPI) Abhiram Singh Yadav diterima di kediaman mantan Wakil Presiden Bpk. H. Jusuf Kalla.
Dalam pertemuan informal khusus ini, banyak ide dan gagasan yang muncul. Salah satunya adalah program Gerakan Nasional Donor Darah Pemuda oleh DPP KNPI bekerjasama dengan Palang Merah Indonesia (PMI) dimana PMI dipimpin oleh Bpk. Jusuf Kalla sebagai Ketua Umum.
General Chairman of the Indonesian National Youth Council (DPP KNPI) Dr. Aziz Syamsuddin, SecGen Sayed Muhammad Muliady and Vice Chairman of Committee for ASEAN Youth Cooperation/CAYC (who is also Vice Secretary General of DPP KNPI) Abhiram Singh Yadav; were received at the home of former Vice President Mr. H. Jusuf kalla.
In this informal meeting many things were discussed with rich ideas. One of them was a National Youth Movement for Blood Donation with the cooperation of DPP KNPI with the Indonesian red Cross (PMI) which is also Chaired by Mr. Jusuf Kalla.
Saturday, December 25, 2010
ASY as Vice Chairman of CAYC
ASY as Vice Chairman of CAYC
Abhiram Singh Yadav dinobatkan sebagai Wakil Ketua Umum Committee for ASEAN Youth Cooperation (CAYC) yaitu suatu wadah kepemudaan yang yang resmi dibawah ASEAN dan tercantum dalam ASEAN Charter. Pada Kesempatan yang sama ASY dianugrahi penghargaan ASEAN TAYO Award atas kiprahnya di dunia kepemudaan dan volunteerism di Indonesia.
Acara ini berlangsung di Manila-Philippines pada tanggal 18-21 December 2010. ASY didampingi oleh Deplu dan kemengpora pada agenda resmi ASEAN ini.
Abhiram Singh Yadav has been elected as Vice Chairman of Committee for ASEAN Youth Cooperation (CAYC) which is official youth organization affiliated to ASEAN and stated to the ASEAN Charter. At the same time ASY was awarded the ASEAN TAYO Award for his involment in the development of youth and volunteerism in Indonesia.
This program was held in Manila-Philippines dated 18-21 December 2010. ASY was accompanied by the Ministry of Foreign Affairs and the Ministry of Youth and Sports.
Friday, December 17, 2010
ASY as Vice Chairman of AICYU

Acara ini dibuka oleh Mentri Pemuda dan Olahraga Bpk. Andi malaranggeng dan juga dihadiri oleh Gubernur DKI jakarta Bpk. Fauzi Bowo.
Abhiram Singh Yadav has been elected as Vice Chairman Inter-Capitol Youth Union (AICYU) which is a newly formed youth organization at the ASEAN Inter-Capitol Youth Conference in Hotel Mercure Ancol Jakarta dated 12-15 December 2010.this event was initiated by DPD KNPI DKI Jakarta where ASY was as the Chairman for Steering Comity. Chairman of AICYU is the Chairman of KNPI Jakarta Arif Rahman and Secretary General from Singapore.
This event was opened by Minister of Youth and Sports Mr. Andi Malaranggeng and also attend by Governor of jakarta Mr. Fauzi Bowo.
Wednesday, November 10, 2010
ASY Attends Barrack Obama’s Speech
Abhiram Singh Yadav attened the Speech of US President Mr. Barack Obama’s at the University of Indonesia-Jakarta on the 10th November 2010. ASY also had a chance to shake hands directly with Mr. Obama.
Thursday, September 2, 2010
ASY Visits United States of America
ASY Visits United States of America
Abhiram Singh Yadav mengunjungi Amerika Serikat sebagai undangan resmi dari Departmen Luar Negri Amerika Serikat pada tanggal 9-28 Agustus 2010 dibawah program IVLP. Alumni dari program ini sejak tahun 1940lebih dari 200 orang telah menjadi Pimpinan Negara di berbagai belahan dunia.
Pada tahun ini ASY berkesempatan dalam program ini untuk mempelajari Politik, Multikulturisme dan Kebebasan Beragama serta Volunteerism di Amerika Serikat. ASY mengunjungi 5 propinsi mulai dari Washington DC, North Carolina, Utah, Ohio and Seattle. ASy mengunji berbagai Departemen Pemerintah dan juga berbagai NGO dari berbagai bidang
Abhiram Singh Yadav visit the United States of America invited officially by the Department of States from the date of August 9-28 2010 under the program of IVLP. The alumnus of this program since the year 1940 are up to more than 200 people of been head of States throughout the world.
This year ASY has been given a chance in this program to learn about Politics, Multiculturalism and Religious Pluralism as well as Volunteerism in the USA. ASY visited up to 5 States Starting from Washington DC, North Carolina, Utah, Ohio and Seattle. ASY visited various governmental departments as well as NGO of various fields.