Friday, June 12, 2009



The National Working Meeting of KNPI

Wakil Presiden Jusuf Kalla membuka Rapat Kerja Nasional (Rakernas) I Komite Nasional Pemuda Indonesia (KNPI) di Kota Palu, Sulawesi Tengah (Sulteng), Jumat 5 Juni 2009.

Pembukaan Rakenas KNPI itu ditandai dengan pemukulan gong sebanyak tiga kali. Saat memukul gong Jusuf Kalla didampingi Gubernur Sulteng Bandjela Paliudju serta Ketua Umum KNPI Aziz Syamsuddin. Abhiram Singh Yadav (ASY) juga hadir dalam Rakernas ini sebagai Wakil Sekjen DPP KNPI.

Dalam sambutannya Jusuf Kalla mengatakan, pemuda harus bersatu untuk membangun bangsa terutama di era globalisasi yang penuh tantangan ini. Menurutnya, pemuda mempunyai keberanian dalam mengambil keputusan, dan perbuatannya permainan kata-kata dapat dipertanggungjawabkan.

Sementara itu, Ketua Umum KNPI Aziz Syamsuddin juga mengatakan pemuda adalah mitra pemerintah dan akan selalu mendukung segala kegiatan dan programnya.

Rakernas I KNPI ini sendiri berlangsung selama tiga hari, dari 5-7 Juni 2009. Acara tersebut juga dihadiri segenap pengurus KNPI di seluruh Indonesia, berikut organisasi kepemudaan lainnya yang berjumlah sekitar 700 orang.

English version:

Vice President Jusuf Kalla opened the National Working Meeting (Rakernas) I Indonesian National Youth Council (KNPI) in the Palu City, Central Sulawesi on Friday June 5 2009.

The Rakenas KNPI opening was marked by the beating of the gong totaling three times. When striking the gong, Jusuf Kalla was accompanied by Governor Bandjela Paliudju as well as General Chairman KNPI Aziz Syamsuddin. Abhiram Singh Yadav (ASY) also was present in Rakernas as the Vice secretary General of KNPI.

In his address of Jusuf Kalla said, the youth must unite to build the nation especially in the globalization era that was full of challenge. According to him, the youth had courage in taking the decision, and his action the game of words could be accounted for.

In the meantime, General Chairman KNPI Aziz Syamsuddin also said the youth was the government partner and will always support all the activities and his program.

Rakernas I KNPI this personally took place for three days, from June 5-7 2009. This agenda was also attended by all the KNPI managements all over Indonesia, along with the other youth organisation that was numbering around 700 people.

Abhiram Singh Yadav (ASY) also stated that KNPI will plan to host World Youth Conference in Indonesia.

(With Ketua Umum DPP KNPI)

Wednesday, June 3, 2009

Aliansi Muda Nusantara

Deklarasi Aliansi Muda Nusantara
Indonesian Youth Alliance Declaration

Abhiram Singh Yadav memimpin rombongan dari Aliansi Muda Nusantara (AMN) menuju Yogyakarta pada tanggal 31 Mei hingga 1 Juni 2009 guna mempersiapkan gerakan mendukung dan memenangkan pasangan Capres-Cawapres JK-Wiranto.

Di Yogyakara, ASY melakukan pertemuan dengan puluhan pemuda dari OKP, gerakan pemuda serta gerakan mahasiswa yang dengan penuh antusias siap berjuang untuk memenangkan Pasangan Nusantara ini.

Aliansi Muda Nusantara adalah gerakan yang terbentuk dengan terkumpulnya tokoh-tokoh dan aktifis-aktifis Oraganisai Kepemudaan (OKP) yang kebetulan berhimpun di dalam KNPI. Aliansi Muda Nusantara adalah gerakan murni tanpa membawa nama organisasi apapun, tapi pribadi sebagai tokoh dan aktifis dari unsur berbagai Organisasi.

Tindak lanjut dari Aliansi Muda Nusantara (AMN), kemarin tanggal 3 Juni 2009, telah dilakukan Deklarasi Aliansi Muda Nusantara yang langsung diterima oleh Wakil Presiden dan calon Presiden Jusuf Kalla di Posko JK-WIN di Mangun Sarkoro. Hadir lebih dari 100 pemuda dari berbagai unsur yang memadati ruangan. Acara berjalan sangat meriah.


Abhiram Singh Yadav led the delegation of the Indonesian Youth Alliance towards Yogyakarta on May 31 to June 1 2009 in order to prepare the supportive movement and winning movement for the couple of Presidential and Vice Presidential Candidate Jusuf Kalla (JK)-Wiranto.

In Yogyakara, ASY carried out the meeting with dozens of youth from various youth organization, youth movement of as well as the movement of the student that fully enthusiastic was ready to fight to win this Indonesian Archipelago Couple.

The Indonesian Youth Alliance is a movement that was formed with the combining of leading figures and activists of Youth Organization (OKP) that by chance gathered in KNPI (Indonesian National Youth Council). Indonesian Youth Alliance was the pure movement without bringing the name of the organization, but personal as the leading figure and the activist from the element of various organizations.

The follow-up to the Indonesian Youth Alliance (AMN), yesterday on June 3 2009, was carried out by the Declaration of the Indonesian Youth Alliance that at once was accepted by the Vice President and the presidential candidate Jusuf Kalla in the Command Post of JK-WIN in Mangun Sarkoro. Be present more than 100 youth leaders from various elements that filled up the room. The agenda went very merry.