Sunday, October 11, 2009

ASEAN Youth Meeting

15th ASEAN Youth Day Meeting

Abhiram Singh Yadav represented Indonesia at the 15th ASEAN Youth Day meeting in Myanmar. Abhiram Singh Yadav was acknowledged as the best presentation for the presentation titled:

“Youth Volunteerism in Indonesia and the Involvement of KNPI in Building ASEAN Community”.

ASY also recommended to establish ASEAN Youth Ambassador and ASEAN Youth Secretariat which will be discussed further at the SOMY next year.

Saturday, October 10, 2009

International Youth Conference

Slide 5

International Youth Conference

Abhiram Singh Yadav led the International Youth Conference on the 28 Sept.- 2 Oct. 2009 un Banten and Bandung. The conference was organized by UNESCO, Ministry of Youth and Sports, and Ministry of Education. ASY was there as the committee as well as representing Indonesia (particularly DPP KNPI).