ASY Dikukuhkan sebagai
Wakil Sekjen KNPI
(ASY Installed as Vice Secretary General of KNPI)

Abhiram Singh Yadav (ASY) telah secara resmi dilantik dan dikukuhkan sebagai Wakil Sekjen KNPI (Komite Nasional Pemuda Indonesia) periode 2008-2011 oleh Ketua Umum DPP KNPI Aziz Syamsudin yang disaksikan oleh Menkokesra Aburizal Bakri, Menpora Adhyaksa Dault, Ketua DPR RI Agung Laksono serta Ketua KPU. Acara berlangsung di Gedung Serba Guna Glora Bung Karno pada hari Kamis 19 Maret 2009.
Abhiram Singh Yadav (ASY) merupakan orang pertama etnis India yang masuk dalam kepengurusan KNPI dalam sejarah Indonesia. ASY juga satu-satunya wakil PERADAH yang ada dalam jejeran kepengurusan teras KNPI dari PERADAH. Karya-karya untuk kepumudaan Indonesia siap dilakoninya.
Dalam pernyataanya ASY mengatakan agar pemuda Indonesia bersikap netral dalam pemilu legislative serta mengkampanyekan “Asal jangan Golput” guna mengsukseskan pesta demokrasi Pemilu 2009. Masa depan bangsa ada di tangan rakyat Indonesia serta Pemuda wajib mengawalnya demi keutuhan NKRI
Pada acara ini juga di Deklarasikan Pemilu Damai Pemuda Indonesia. Ditegaskan oleh Ketum KNPI Aziz Syamsudin bahwa KNPI siap mengawal pemilu 2009. KNPI akan bersikap netral dalam pemilu Legislatif. Akan tetapi dalam pemilu pilpres, KNPI melalu rapat pleno akan mengambil sekiap mendukung salah satu capres.
English Version:
Abhiram Singh Yadav (ASY) has officially been appointed and installed as the Vice Secretary General of KNPI (Indonesian National Youth Council) period of 2008-2011 by General Chairman DPP KNPI Aziz Syamsudin which was witnessed by Minister of Welfare Aburizal Bakri, Minister of Youth Adhyaksa Dault, People's Representative Council Chairman Agung Laksono as well as Chairman KPU (Indonesian Election Cuncil). The program took place in the Building of Serba Guna Glora Bung Karno on Thursday on March 19 2009.
Abhiram Singh Yadav (ASY) was the first person of the Indian ethnic (origin) group that entered the KNPI management in the Indonesian history. ASY also the only representative PERADAH available in the row of the management of the KNPI terrace from PERADAH.
In his statement, ASY said that the Indonesian youth had a neutral attitude in the general election legislative as well as campaigned “Asal jangan Golput” for secession of the democracy party of General Election 2009. The nation future was on the hands of the Indonesian people as well as the obligatory youth should guarded for the sake of NKRI cohesiveness
In this agenda was also a declaration of Peaceful Election by the Indonesian Youth. It was stressed by General Chairman of KNPI Aziz Syamsudin that KNPI was ready to guard the general election 2009. KNPI will have a neutral attitude in the Legislative general election. But in the general election for presidency, KNPI through a plenary meeting will take statement for supporting one of the candidates.
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