(ASY condemned KNPI Tragedy)
Kantor pusat KNPI di jalan HR Rasuna Said diserang dan dirusak sekelompok
Abhiram Singh Yadav (ASY) sangat menyesalkan dan mengutuk kejadian ini yang disebabkan oleh kelompok pihak KOngress Ancol yang dipimpin Ahmad Dolly Kurnia dengan mengerahkan preman-preman yang berpura-pura menjadi oknum OKP.
Abhiram Singh Yadav (ASY) juga menghimbau kepada kubu Ahmad Dolly Kurnia agar menghormati kesepakatan hasil rekonsiliasi
Kubu Dolly juga diharapkan segera menghentikan segala tindakan provokasi yang tidak teladan dan berhenti mengatasnamakan DPP KNPI. Seluruh OKP, khususnya kelompok FORBES, sangat menyesalkan sikap Ahmad Dolly Kuria yang tidak terpuji.
The Indonesian National Youth Council (KNPI) head office in the HR Rasuna Said road was attacked and damaged by a group of mass around 10,00am, on Thursday 26 Feb. 2009. Resulting from the action of dozens of mass, KNPI glasses of the office building broke and several motors that were parked in front of the building took part in being damaged. In this incident two casualties experienced stabbing.
Abhiram Singh Yadav (ASY) really regretted and condemned this incident that was caused by the group of Ancol Congress that was led by Ahmad Dolly Kurnia by mobilizing thugs who pretended to become the element OKP (Youth Orgaization).
Abhiram Singh Yadav (ASY) also made a plea to the fortification of Ahmad Dolly Kurnia in order to honor the agreement produced by
The Dolly fortification also it was hoped immediately stopped all the provocation actions that not the model and stopped admitting as DPP KNPI. All the OKP, especially the FORBES group, really regretted the attitude of Ahmad Dolly Kuria that not pleased.

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