Sunday, April 12, 2009



DPP KNPI di bawah pimpinan Aziz Syamsuddin melakukan Mobil Observer di sejumlah tempat di Jakarta, diantarnya Rumah Sakit RSCM, Penjara Salemba, serta berbagai permukiman yang lainnya. Rombongan 15 orang pengurus DPP KNPI ini termasuk Wakil Sekjen Abhiram Singh Yadav (ASY) menemukan banyaknya kecurangan dan ketidaksiapan KPU dalam melaksanakan pemilu tahun ini. Semua temuan DPP KNPI telah dilaporkan ke BAWASLU. Kegiatan KNPI ini juga diliput sejumlah media nasional. KNPI sendiri akan segera menentukan sikap prihal pemilu legislative ini.

Abhiram Singh Yadav (ASY) sangat menyesalkan dengan tidak adanya TPS keliling di RSCM (Rumah Sakit Cipto Manungkusuma). Padahal dalam tahun-tahun sebelumnya selalu ada TPS keliling khusus baik pasien-pasien yang dirawat. Dengan ini praktis lebih dari 500 orang tidak bisa memberikan hak suaranya. Bayangkan ini baru satu rumah sakit, apalagi seluruh Indonesia.

English Version:

The Indonesian National Youth Council (DPP KNPI) under the command of Aziz Syamsuddin did Mobile Observer in several places in Jakarta, such as the RSCM Hospital, Salemba prison, as well as various other settlements. The party of 15 managements of DPP KNPI including Vice Secretary General Abhiram Singh Yadav (ASY) found the amount of dishonesty and unprepared ness of the Election Comity (KPU) in carrying out this year’s general election. All of the DPP KNPI findings were reported to BAWASLU (Election Watch Body). This event of KNPI also was covered by several national medias. KNPI personally immediately will determine the attitude regarding the general legislative election.

Abhiram Singh Yadav (ASY) really regretted with there not being TPS Keliling (Place to vote that goes from one place to another) in RSCM (the Cipto Manungkusuma Hospital). In fact in years beforehand there was always had TPS Keliling was especially good for patients who were treated. By this practically more than 500 people were not able to give their voting rights. Imagined this just one hospital, moreover all of Indonesia.

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