Abhiram Singh Yadav (ASY) menghadiri pembukaan Pra-Kongress Ikatan Pelajar NU (IPNU) di Istana Wakil President pada 17 Mei 2009. Pada acara ini terlihat jelas sikap kaum muda NU yang sangat mengharapkan seorang Pasangan Nusantara yang memimpin negri ini kedepan. Cara dibuka oleh Wapres Jusuf Kalla (yang juga merupakan calon Presiden) didampingi Menpora serta Wakil Ketua MPR.
Hadir juga elemen-elemen pimpinan pemuda seperti Dewan Muda Litas Agama (dimana Abhiram Singh Yadav juga merupakan pimpinan), Ketum KNPI Aziz Syamsuddin dll.
Abhiram Singh Yadav (ASY) juga sempat ketemu Jusuf Kalla di rumahnya beberapa hari sebelumnya untuk membahas tim sukses JK-WIN. Dua tim telah disiapkan untuk mendukung pasangan JK-WIN yaitu Garda Pelangi serta Dewan Muda Lintas Agama.
Abhiram Singh Yadav (ASY) attended the opening of Pre- Congress Ikatan Pelajar Nahdatul Ulama (IPNU) in the Palace of Wakil President on May 17 2009. In this agenda was seen clear the young's Nahdatul Ulama attitude that really hoped for a Indonesian Archipelago Couple that led this nation in the future. The program was opened by Vice President Jusuf Kalla (that also is the presidential candidate) was accompanied by Minister of Youth and Sports as well as People's Consultative Assembly Vice Chairman.
Was present also elements headed by the Youth like the Dewan Muda Litas Agama (Inter-Religion Council ) (where Abhiram Singh Yadav also be the leaders), Chairman KNPI (Indonesian National Youth Council) Aziz Syamsuddin etc..
Abhiram Singh Yadav (ASY) also could meet Jusuf Kalla in his home several days eforeto discuss the success team for JK-WIN. Two team was prepared to support the couple JK-WIN that is Garda Pelangi as well as Dewan Muda Litas Agama.