Wednesday, May 27, 2009

ASY – JK WIN Meeting

ASY – Jusuf Kala Meeting

Abhiram Singh Yadav (ASY) menghadiri pembukaan Pra-Kongress Ikatan Pelajar NU (IPNU) di Istana Wakil President pada 17 Mei 2009. Pada acara ini terlihat jelas sikap kaum muda NU yang sangat mengharapkan seorang Pasangan Nusantara yang memimpin negri ini kedepan. Cara dibuka oleh Wapres Jusuf Kalla (yang juga merupakan calon Presiden) didampingi Menpora serta Wakil Ketua MPR.

Hadir juga elemen-elemen pimpinan pemuda seperti Dewan Muda Litas Agama (dimana Abhiram Singh Yadav juga merupakan pimpinan), Ketum KNPI Aziz Syamsuddin dll.

Abhiram Singh Yadav (ASY) juga sempat ketemu Jusuf Kalla di rumahnya beberapa hari sebelumnya untuk membahas tim sukses JK-WIN. Dua tim telah disiapkan untuk mendukung pasangan JK-WIN yaitu Garda Pelangi serta Dewan Muda Lintas Agama.


Abhiram Singh Yadav (ASY) attended the opening of Pre- Congress Ikatan Pelajar Nahdatul Ulama (IPNU) in the Palace of Wakil President on May 17 2009. In this agenda was seen clear the young's Nahdatul Ulama attitude that really hoped for a Indonesian Archipelago Couple that led this nation in the future. The program was opened by Vice President Jusuf Kalla (that also is the presidential candidate) was accompanied by Minister of Youth and Sports as well as People's Consultative Assembly Vice Chairman.

Was present also elements headed by the Youth like the Dewan Muda Litas Agama (Inter-Religion Council ) (where Abhiram Singh Yadav also be the leaders), Chairman KNPI (Indonesian National Youth Council) Aziz Syamsuddin etc..

Abhiram Singh Yadav (ASY) also could meet Jusuf Kalla in his home several days eforeto discuss the success team for JK-WIN. Two team was prepared to support the couple JK-WIN that is Garda Pelangi as well as Dewan Muda Litas Agama.

(Raker Dewan Muda Lintas Agama di galary Cafe- TIM)

Deklarasi Mega-Prabowo

ASY Hadiri Deklarasi Mega-Pro
ASY attends Mega-Pro Declaration

Abhiram Singh Yadav (ASY) menghadiri dengan diriringi 500 massa HKTI untuk hadir pada Deklarasi pasangan capres Megawati Soekarnoputri dan Prabowo Subianto pada tanggal 24 Mei 2009 di kawasan Bantar Gebang, Bekasi, Jawa Barat.

Deklarasi bermula selai 15.oo hingga 17,00 secara sangat meriah dengan dihadiri lebih dari 50,000 pendukung Mega- Prabowo. Menurut ASY: ini adalah deklarasi yang memucat luar biasa dengan murni konsep merakyat.

Bantar Gebang dikenal sebagai kawasan tempat pembuangan akhir (TPA) sampah dari berbagai daerah di seputaran Jabotabek. Deklarasi ini diikuti oleh rakyat yang menjadi simpatisan pendukung partai pengusung pasangan Mega- Prabowo. Partai-partai yang menjadi tuan rumah adalah PDI Perjuangan, Gerindra, Partai Karya Perjuangan, Partai Kedaulatan, Partai Buruh, Partai Merdeka, PPNU, PSI, dan PIS. Hadiri juga Partai PAN dan PPP yang membawa 100 massa.

Pasangan Mega- Prabowo merupakan satu-satunya pasangan yang terakhir melakukan deklarasi resmi seperti halnya dua petarung dibohongi, yakni SBY-Boediono dan JK-Wiranto. Pasangan ini sejak semula menyatakan akan mendeklarasikan diri di tengah rakyat.


Abhiram Singh Yadav (ASY) attended with along with him 500 HKTI mass to be present at the Declaration of the presidential candidate's couple Megawati Soekarnoputri and Prabowo Subianto on May 24 2009 at Bantar Gebang, Bekasi, West Java.

The declaration began of 15.00 till 17.00 in a very merry manner by being attended by more than 50.000 supporters of Mega- Prabowo. According to ASY: this was the declaration that became pale extraordinary purely the concept merakyat.

Bantar Gebang was known as the place region of the disposal of the end (TPA) the waste from various areas in a Jabotabek round. This declaration joined by the people who became the supporting sympathiser of the party pengusung the couple clouds- Prabowo. Parties that became the host were PDI Perjuangan, Gerindra, Partai of the Work of the Struggle, Partai of the Sovereignty, Labor Party, the Freedom Party, PPNU, PSI, and PIS. Hadiri also the Party of the PAN and PPP that brought 100 mass. The couple clouds- Prabowo was the only last couple carried out the official declaration as in the case of two petarung was told lies, namely SBY-Boediono and JK-Wiranto. This couple from the beginning said will declare himself in the middle of the peoples

Rakernas DPP Gerindra

ASY Hadiri Rakernas Gerindra

Abhiram Singh Yadav (ASY) hadir pada Rakernas DPP Partai Gerindra di Hotel Grand Kemang, Jakarta Selatan, pada Sabtu 23 Mei 2009. ASY hadir dengan semua petinggi DPP Gerindra dan juga tim sukses Mega-Prabowo. Megawati Suokarno Putri dan Prabowo Soebianto untuk pertama kali tampil bersama guna membuka Rakernas ini.

Rakernas berjalan sengat menarik dengan Pidato politik Mega-Prabowo. ASY juga menegaskan niatnya untuk mendukung pasangan Mega-Pro ini guna membangun ekonomi kerakyatan dan industri dasar untuk kemandirian bangsa.


Abhiram Singh Yadav (ASY) was present at Rakernas DPP Partai Gerindra at the Grand Kemang Hotel, Southern Jakarta, on Saturday May 23 2009. ASY was present with all the senior figures of DPP Gerindra and also the success team of Mega- Prabowo. Megawati Suokarno Putri and Prabowo Soebianto for the first time appeared together in order to is opened this Rakernas.

Rakernas was interesting sting with the politics Speech from Mega- Prabowo. ASY also stressed his intention to support Mega- Pro this in order to develops populist economics and the primary industry for the self-dependency of the nation.

Tuesday, May 19, 2009

Reuni Akbar SDN SERAYU

Reuni Akbar SDN SERAYU
Serayu Reunion

Reuni Akbar SDN SERAYU Yogyakarta diadakan pada tanggal 17 Mei 2009 di gedung SD Serayu Yogyakarta. Reuni Akbar ini di adakan pertama kali sejak 60 tahun terakhir. SD Serayu sendiri merupakan salah satu sekolah unggul dari tahun ke tahun di tingkat DIY maupun nasional.

Abhiram Singh Yadav (ASY) hadir sebagai alumni yang pernah duduk di bangku SD Serayu (dulu SD Serayu II) selama dua tahun (kelas 5 dan 6). Acara nostalgia ini berlangsung sangat menarik dimana hadir alumni-alumni dari seluruh Indonesia bahkan juga dari Luar Negri serta guru-guru yang pernah mengabdi di sekolah ini.

ASY sangat terharu dengan semangat kebersamaan yang muncul pada acara tersebut. Selanjutnya ASY berencana membentuk suatu organisasi Serayu Connection yang bisa berperan lebih besar demi mengabdi kepada Nusa dan Bangsa.

English Version:

The grand reunion of SDN (Public Elementary School) SERAYU Yogyakarta was held on May 17 2009 in the PRIMARY SCHOOL building of Serayu Yogyakarta. This grand reunion was held for the first time since the last 60 years. The Serayu PRIMARY SCHOOL personally was one of the top class schools from year to the year in the DIY and national level.

Abhiram Singh Yadav (ASY) was present as the alumnus who had sat in the Serayu PRIMARY SCHOOL bench (previously the ADN Serayu II) for two years (the class 5 and 6). This nostalgia agenda took place very interesting where being present alumni from all over Indonesia in fact also from outside of the country as well as teachers that had served in this school.

ASY really be touched with the spirit of togetherness that emerged in this agenda. Further ASY planned to form an organization that is Serayu Connection that could play a bigger role for the sake of serving to the Motherland.

Monday, May 18, 2009

Deklarasi anti Neolib: Gerakan Rakyat Untuk Perubahan

Tolak Neolib: Gerakan Rakyat Untuk Perubahan
Reject Neo Liberalism: Peoples Movement for Change

5 tokoh pemuda yaitu Abhiram Singh Yadav (ASY), Supriyanto-HKTI, KAMMI, elemen-elemen mahasiswa serta LSM mengadakan suatu press conference di Hotel Sofyan Cikini pada tanggal 13 Mei 2009 tentang Gerakan Rakyat Untuk Perubahan. Isi dari pada gerakan ini adalah menolak dengan tegas Capres-Cawapres yang merupakan antek-antek asing atau antek Neolib. Point-point isi dari deklarasi ini adalah:

  1. Menolak Pemilu Presiden dari segala bentuk intervensi asing termasuk yang berkedok bantuan luar negri.
  2. Menolak calon-calon Presiden atau Wakil Presiden yang tidak memiliki visi-visi kerakyatan yang jelas, justru yang dipertontonkan demokrasi yang sangat transaksional, hanya untuk perebutan kekuasaan yang mengesampingkan amanat dari penderitaan rakyat.
  3. Menolak Capres dan Cawapres berparadigma noeliberal yang tunduk kepada kepentingan dan intervensi asing, pemerintahan yang tidak mampu mewujudkan kedaulatan politik dan kemandirian ekonomi untuk bangsa.
  4. Menolak Capres dan Cawapres kosmetik, jargonis, yang hanya memberikan janji-janji perubahan palsu dimana rekam jejak bangsa ini telah mengoreskan sejarah adanya penjualan sumber daya alam ke asing, privatisasi, liberalisasi dan masih menerima hutang baru yang semakin menumpuk.
  5. Bangsa ini membutuhkan calon Presiden dan Wakil Presiden yang berani melawan intervensi asing, berani melaksanakan ekonomi kerakyatan, berani menolak hutang luar negri, berani memperjuangkan hak-hak rakyat untuk lepas dari belenggu penderutaan dan penindasan.

Pada saat kesempatan Abhiram Singh Yadav (ASY) untuk mengeluarkan statement, ASY mengatakan: Sudah cukup bangsa kita tercinta ini dijajah melalui penjahanekonomi dimana antek-antek asing merupakan oknum-oknum bangsa kita sendiri. Sudah saatnya Indonesia bangkit dari penjahan eknomi, dan membangun kemandirian ekonomisebagai Bukti Indonesia Mampu.

Pada kesempatan ini juga diungkapkan segala kelemahan dan sejarah panjang Boediono sebagai bukti yang menunjukannya sebagai Antek Neolib.

English Version:

Abhiram Singh Yadav (ASY) together with 5 leading Youth figures that is Soepriyatno-HKTI, KAMMI, elements of student as well as the NGO’s held a press conference in the Sofyan Cikini Hotel on May 13 2009 about the Movement of the People for Change. The contents than this movement was to refuse clearly Presidential Candidate- Vice Presidential Candidate that was foreign lackeys or the lackey Neo Liberalism. Points of the contents from this declaration was:

  1. To refused Presidential Election from all the forms of the foreign intervention including that was disguised foreign “AIDS”.
  2. Refuse presidential candidates or the Vice President who did not have clear populist points of view, precisely that was shown off by democracy that really transactional, only for the struggle for the authority that set aside the message from the people's suffering.
  3. Refuse Presidential Candidate and Vice Presidential Candidate with paradigm of Neo Liberalism that submitted to the interests and the foreign intervention, the government that could not bring about the sovereignty of politics and autonomy of economics for the nation.
  4. Refuse Presidential Candidate and Vice Presidential Candidate that are cosmetics, jargons, that only gave false change promises where recorded the tracks of this nation has lest a mark in the history of the existence of the sale of nature resources to foreign, the privatization, liberalization and still accepted the new debt that increasingly has increased.
  5. This nation needs the presidential and vice presidential candidates who dared to oppose the foreign intervention, dared to carry out populist economics, dared to refuse the outside debt, dared to fight for the people's rights to be free from the shackle sufffering and the suppression.

At the time of the Abhiram Singh Yadav (ASY) opportunity to give a statement, ASY said: has been enough our beloved nation to be colonized through economy where foreign lackeys were elements of our nation itself. Already time to Indonesia to rise from economy colonialism, and developed autonomy economy as a Proof Indonesian is able to. In this opportunity also was revealed by all the weaknesses and the long Boediono history as proof that shows him as the Lackey of Neo Liberalism.

--- ASY Centre ---


Dialog KNPI- Mentri Kesehatan
KNPI- Minister of Health Dialogue

DPP KNPI diterima oleh Mentri Kesehatan Siti Fadilah Supardi pada 12 Mei 2009 di kediamannya pada pukul 20.00 hingga 22..30. Dalam pertemuan ini banyak dibicarakan hal-hal nasionalis dan isu-isu kesehatan yang beredar. Ibu Mentri tampil sangat santai dan inspiratif. Abhiram Singh Yadav (ASY) sempat secara pribadi berbincang-bincang dengan ibu Menkes dan melihat banyak potensi yang ada pada Siti Fadilah sehingga patut diperjuangkan agar kembali menjadi Mentri pada cabinet Berikutnya.

Pada kesempatan dialog langsung ini hadir sekitar 50 pengurus harian DPP KNPI dipimpin Ketum Dr. Aziz Syamsuddin serta dimoderatori oleh Sekjen Sayed M. Muladi. Acara berlangsung menarik dan sangat interaktif dan penuh canda-tawa.

English version:

DPP KNPI (Indonesian National Youth Council- Centrak Board) was received by Helath Minister Siti Fadilah Supardi on May 12 2009 in her residence at 20.00pm as far as 22.30pm. In this meeting often was discussed by matters of the nationalist and rumors relationg to health. Madam Minister appeared very relaxed and inspiring. Vice Secretary General Abhiram Singh Yadav (ASY) personally could discuss with the Madam Minister and saw many potential in Madam Siti Fadilah so as to have to be reelected again as a Minister in the coming cabinet.

In this direct dialogue opportunity, was present around 50 managements of the DPP KNPI led by Chairman Dr. Aziz Syamsuddin as well as being moderated by Secretary General Sayed M. Muladi. The agenda took place interesting and very interactive and was full laughter.

--- ASY CENTRE ---