Monday, May 18, 2009

Deklarasi anti Neolib: Gerakan Rakyat Untuk Perubahan

Tolak Neolib: Gerakan Rakyat Untuk Perubahan
Reject Neo Liberalism: Peoples Movement for Change

5 tokoh pemuda yaitu Abhiram Singh Yadav (ASY), Supriyanto-HKTI, KAMMI, elemen-elemen mahasiswa serta LSM mengadakan suatu press conference di Hotel Sofyan Cikini pada tanggal 13 Mei 2009 tentang Gerakan Rakyat Untuk Perubahan. Isi dari pada gerakan ini adalah menolak dengan tegas Capres-Cawapres yang merupakan antek-antek asing atau antek Neolib. Point-point isi dari deklarasi ini adalah:

  1. Menolak Pemilu Presiden dari segala bentuk intervensi asing termasuk yang berkedok bantuan luar negri.
  2. Menolak calon-calon Presiden atau Wakil Presiden yang tidak memiliki visi-visi kerakyatan yang jelas, justru yang dipertontonkan demokrasi yang sangat transaksional, hanya untuk perebutan kekuasaan yang mengesampingkan amanat dari penderitaan rakyat.
  3. Menolak Capres dan Cawapres berparadigma noeliberal yang tunduk kepada kepentingan dan intervensi asing, pemerintahan yang tidak mampu mewujudkan kedaulatan politik dan kemandirian ekonomi untuk bangsa.
  4. Menolak Capres dan Cawapres kosmetik, jargonis, yang hanya memberikan janji-janji perubahan palsu dimana rekam jejak bangsa ini telah mengoreskan sejarah adanya penjualan sumber daya alam ke asing, privatisasi, liberalisasi dan masih menerima hutang baru yang semakin menumpuk.
  5. Bangsa ini membutuhkan calon Presiden dan Wakil Presiden yang berani melawan intervensi asing, berani melaksanakan ekonomi kerakyatan, berani menolak hutang luar negri, berani memperjuangkan hak-hak rakyat untuk lepas dari belenggu penderutaan dan penindasan.

Pada saat kesempatan Abhiram Singh Yadav (ASY) untuk mengeluarkan statement, ASY mengatakan: Sudah cukup bangsa kita tercinta ini dijajah melalui penjahanekonomi dimana antek-antek asing merupakan oknum-oknum bangsa kita sendiri. Sudah saatnya Indonesia bangkit dari penjahan eknomi, dan membangun kemandirian ekonomisebagai Bukti Indonesia Mampu.

Pada kesempatan ini juga diungkapkan segala kelemahan dan sejarah panjang Boediono sebagai bukti yang menunjukannya sebagai Antek Neolib.

English Version:

Abhiram Singh Yadav (ASY) together with 5 leading Youth figures that is Soepriyatno-HKTI, KAMMI, elements of student as well as the NGO’s held a press conference in the Sofyan Cikini Hotel on May 13 2009 about the Movement of the People for Change. The contents than this movement was to refuse clearly Presidential Candidate- Vice Presidential Candidate that was foreign lackeys or the lackey Neo Liberalism. Points of the contents from this declaration was:

  1. To refused Presidential Election from all the forms of the foreign intervention including that was disguised foreign “AIDS”.
  2. Refuse presidential candidates or the Vice President who did not have clear populist points of view, precisely that was shown off by democracy that really transactional, only for the struggle for the authority that set aside the message from the people's suffering.
  3. Refuse Presidential Candidate and Vice Presidential Candidate with paradigm of Neo Liberalism that submitted to the interests and the foreign intervention, the government that could not bring about the sovereignty of politics and autonomy of economics for the nation.
  4. Refuse Presidential Candidate and Vice Presidential Candidate that are cosmetics, jargons, that only gave false change promises where recorded the tracks of this nation has lest a mark in the history of the existence of the sale of nature resources to foreign, the privatization, liberalization and still accepted the new debt that increasingly has increased.
  5. This nation needs the presidential and vice presidential candidates who dared to oppose the foreign intervention, dared to carry out populist economics, dared to refuse the outside debt, dared to fight for the people's rights to be free from the shackle sufffering and the suppression.

At the time of the Abhiram Singh Yadav (ASY) opportunity to give a statement, ASY said: has been enough our beloved nation to be colonized through economy where foreign lackeys were elements of our nation itself. Already time to Indonesia to rise from economy colonialism, and developed autonomy economy as a Proof Indonesian is able to. In this opportunity also was revealed by all the weaknesses and the long Boediono history as proof that shows him as the Lackey of Neo Liberalism.

--- ASY Centre ---

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