ASY Pimpin Rombongan AMN Yogykarta
ASY Leads the Yogyakarta AMN Group

Abhiram Singh Yadav (ASY) memimpin rombongan Aliansi Muda Nusantara (AMN) untuk mengadakan Deklarasi dan pemantapan tim JK-Wiranto di Yogyakarta pada tanggal 26 Juni 2009. Acara berjalan menarik dengan dihairi oleh lebih dari 100 aktifis kemenangan JK-Wiranto. Rombongan ini meliputi Abhiram Singh Yadav, Sirra Payuna, Devi Andhita, Frans Islamy, Samueal S.
Tim Sukses pasangan JK-Wiranto DIY membentuk tim relawan yang bertugas mengawasi tempat pemungutan suara pada Pemilu Presiden 8 Juli mendatang. Ini untuk mengantisipasi kemungkinan kecurangan rekapitulasi penghitungan suara di TPS.
Tim yang diberi nama Aliansi Muda Nusantara (AMN) ini akan dikerahkan sampai tingkat desa. Lebih dari separuh relawan AMN yang dikerahkan adalah mahasiswa.
Total jumlah relawan yang akan dikerahkan AMN minimal sama dengan jumlah seluruh TPS di DIY, yakni 8.049 orang. Relawan mahasiswa berasal dari Aceh, Sumatera Selatan, Sumatera Utara, Sulawesi Selatan, Jawa Barat, Nusa Tenggara Barat, dan Papua. Mereka memang mendukung pasangan JK-Wiranto.
Jaringan AMN sudah berdiri di enam wilayah, yaitu DKI Jakarta, Banten, Jawa Barat, Jawa Tengah, DIY, dan Jawa Timur. AMN terdiri dari 32 elemen organisasi massa.
Abhiram Singh Yadav (ASY) led the group of the Indonesian Youth Alliance (AMN) to hold the Declaration and the stabilization of the JK-Wiranto team in Yogyakarta (DIY) on the 26th June 2009. The agenda went interesting with and was attened by more than 100 activists for the victory of JK-Wiranto. This group covered Abhiram Singh Yadav (ASY), Sirra Payuna, Devi Andhita, Frans Islamy, Samueal S.
The success team of the couple JK-Wiranto DIY formed the team of the volunteer who will be assigned to supervise the place of the voting in the Presidential Election this coming July 8. This to anticipate the possibility of recapitulation dishonesty of voice counting in Voting area (TPS).
The team that was given the name Indonesian Youth Alliance (AMN) will be mobilized until the level of the village. More than half volunteers AMN that was mobilized were the university students.
The total of the volunteer's numbers that will be mobilized by AMN is minimal the same as all the TPS number in DIY, namely 8,049 people. The student's volunteer came from Aceh, South Sumatra, North Sumatra, South Sulawesi, West Java, the West Nusa Tenggara, and Papua. They are supportive of the couple JK-Wiranto.
The AMN network has stood in six territories, that is the Special Capital District of Jakarta, Banten, West Java, Central Java, DIY, and East Java. AMN consisted of 32 elements of the mass organization.